Sam Kim, who debuted with the EP [I AM SAM] in 2016 at the age of 18, presented music of ‘Sam Kim’ itself that could not be found anywhere else, with a soulful tone and lively guitar performance from his debut album. As a singer-songwriter, Sam Kim has shown unrivaled talent in writing lyrics and composing music, as well as dynamic guitar riffs.

He has expressed his own musical style without hesitation, based on his emotional and powerful voice. In addition, Sam Kim, who has expanded his musical spectrum by collaborating with various domestic musicians such as Primary and Loco and inviting overseas artists such as Charlie Puth and Tom Misch to perform in Korea, released the full-length album [Sun And Moon] in which he participated in writing/composing/arranging all songs.

By demonstrating expanded production capabilities, they have revealed a more solid musical identity. After the release of a regular album full of well-made tracks that are the most Sam Kim-like, Sam Kim in June 2021, the single ‘The Juice’ was released, showing off a different music style. He continues to engage in various music activities, receiving a lot of love from the public, including participating in various drama OSTs such as ‘Love Me Like That’ and ‘Summer Rain’.


Sam Kim, who debuted with the EP [I AM SAM] in 2016 at the age of 18, presented music of ‘Sam Kim’ itself that could not be found anywhere else, with a soulful tone and lively guitar performance from his debut album. As a singer-songwriter, Sam Kim has shown unrivaled talent in writing lyrics and composing music, as well as dynamic guitar riffs.

He has expressed his own musical style without hesitation, based on his emotional and powerful voice. In addition, Sam Kim, who has expanded his musical spectrum by collaborating with various domestic musicians such as Primary and Loco and inviting overseas artists such as Charlie Puth and Tom Misch to perform in Korea, released the full-length album [Sun And Moon] in which he participated in writing/composing/arranging all songs.

By demonstrating expanded production capabilities, they have revealed a more solid musical identity. After the release of a regular album full of well-made tracks that are the most Sam Kim-like, Sam Kim in June 2021, the single ‘The Juice’ was released, showing off a different music style. He continues to engage in various music activities, receiving a lot of love from the public, including participating in various drama OSTs such as ‘Love Me Like That’ and ‘Summer Rain’.


Beli di website tiket.com atau di website www.samkimjakarta.com. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika pembelian tiket di luar partner ticketing resmi dan website resmi.

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Acara dimulai dari jam 19.00 wib - 21.00 wib

Ada, dan berlaku hanya pembelian tiket kategori Diamond (Seating)

  • Group Photo 5:1
  • Meet & Greet
  • Early Entrance
  • VIP Laminate & Lanyard

Ada nomer tempat duduk. Nanti disesuaikan oleh sistem kami.

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Enggak boleh ya. Jadi kalau sudah masuk kedalam venue, diharapkan tidak keluar lagi

Ada dong. Kalian boleh masuk sebelum jam 8 malam. Diatas jam tersebut, sayang sekali kamu enggak bisa karaokean didalam venue.